domingo, 5 de outubro de 2014

Dr. Splinter rides again.

In the speech of 5th of October the same bla, bla bla, the same fake proposition of someone who has no theme, no intension, no goal, but sustain this government of his same colour. Empty words provoke empty reactions, provoke answers without feelings. Those are just circumstance when the circumstances mean nothing,  when is with Dr. Splinter. The country is still waiting for some words of hope, of fire, to heat our hearts. Unfortunately Dr. Splinter only say words who make us glimpse no solution to our problems, what means no expectations, no hope, no future!

At dark times hope is most important than bread.! Bread we can find some, somewhwere, sometime. Hope, we need someone else to dream together. The bigger service anyone can do is give someone hope. This gloomy man has no idea of the evil it causes. No having soul is the greatest defect of a ruler. Dr.Splinter shows have no soul all the time. He always seems to be just playing a role.

I don't know why I spend my time with this figure. He means nothing, after all he has done: He is nothing! He managed to desconstuct his image killing what little did get ellect. Dr. Splinter is a splinter of a bad vision, like a vision of a ghost who is trying to frighten us telling us there is no way out.

Badly of anyway Dr. Splinter gives us the idea that it will be worse. His rhythm, his ideas, his way of being, everything make us feel empty, because empty he is. And this is the greatest disservice that he is rendering to the country at the moment. This is Dr. Splinter in his best!

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