sexta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2019

Para o New York Times.

David Leonhardt, um cronista que eu admiro, do NYT, escreveu uma crónica onde dá os parabéns ao sr. Trump por ele ser o primeiro no cargo a preencher as preocupações dos Pais Fundadores da Nação, quando incluíram a cláusula de Impeachment na Constituição dos EUA. A preocupação era que alguém que, por interesses estranhos ao cargo de Presidente, pudesse trair a confiança da Nação e se acertar com qualquer país estrangeiro, movendo interesses estranhos aos americanos. Foi exatamente o que fez o sr.Trump. É o que eu penso e sempre disse, agora o Sr. Leonhardt vem dizer o mesmo, e nas crónicas Trump is a tramp and a trap, A man with a sophism, duas crónicas nas quais dizia o que agora, dois anos depois, muitos já reconhecem e dizem-no abertamente, foram crónicas que, por serem muito denunciadoras da figura, as preferi postar em inglês.

Agora dá-se o mesmo com a carta que enviei ao New York Times.   

A man with a sophism.

Dear Mr Leonhardt,
 Dear Sir, 
                                                   I’m an outsider, I’m a brazilian, but I admire America, not the America of the politicians, or that of the Pax Americana, or the American rule, and my admiration has no envy on it, cause i do not want the American style to my self or to my country, but I admire the country with its population in it, the feelings of a country united by such thing we call integration, who accepted the different an made them all Americans.

We are no more living the old dichotomy, USA X URSS, there is no more police of the World, but we may do not forget that China is coming every day more stronger, and we need a great country of west in the balance. Unfortunately America, The USA, are loosing its place of leadership among the nations. And I understand the procedures of Mr. Trump are destroing the only chance we have to see a leadership on West, and he is not absolutely helping to make America Great again.

The greatness of America live in the people, and have no chance to get a way to be great against the feelings of the people, no matter how much someone can deceive the people, that is not possible. I wrote, two years ago, a chronicle (The title above.) where i said  The Founders Fathers are turning around in their coffins just by see this man in the oval room. Now You give me reason, with Your chronicle of “Congratulations” because their idea of trust was completely betrayed. 

Thanks for Your time,
    Helder Paraná Do Coutto.

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